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"Welcome to Egypt International Airshow 2024"

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Egypt International Airshow
Dear Distinguished Guests and Aerospace Leaders,

It is my pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to the inaugural Egypt International Airshow 2024. As the Egyptian Minister for Civil Aviation, I am delighted to lend my support to this important event, that promises to bring together the finest minds and talents from across the region and the wider international aerospace community.

Egypt has engraved its name in the history of civil aviation with the remarkable landing of the first Egyptian pilot at Heliopolis Airport on the 26th of January 1930, marking the Egyptian Civil Aviation anniversary since then. This event was followed by the establishment of the national carrier of Egypt on the 7th of May 1932, becoming the first airline in the Middle East and Africa and the 7th in the world to join IATA, and today the longest running carrier in the African continent with one of the most extensive and diversified fleets.
Thanks to the country’s pioneering efforts in the industry, Egypt stands proud as a hub for technological advancement and industry growth being one of the first member states in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and is currently one of the 36-Council-Member-States.

Today, Egypt International Airshow 2024 serves as a testament of our nation's commitment to advancing civil aviation and promoting international collaboration providing an unparalleled platform for the exchange of ideas, the exploration of cutting-edge technologies, and the forging of new partnerships in the aviation sector.
Ministry of civil aviation and Egypt International Airshow
Over the course of Egypt International Airshow 2024, you will have the opportunity for ample networking opportunities and experience firsthand the latest developments in the civil aviation sector through the static display zones, live demonstrations, and exhibition area. From sustainable aviation to fully integrated digital flight solutions, this event will provide a glimpse into the future of air travel. I encourage you all to interact with the industry leaders and to take part in the enlightening discussions that will shape the future of our sector.

Your presence here contributes to the array of stakeholders we have in attendance, and I am confident that the connections made, and knowledge shared will pave the way for a more innovative and collaborative aviation industry, both across the MENA region and globally

Welcome to Egypt International Airshow 2024. 
May this event inspire us to reach new heights, embrace innovation, and work together towards a brighter, more sustainable and more connected future for civil aviation.
Yours Faithfully,

Mohamed Abbas Helmi

Dr. Sameh Ahmed Zaki El-Hefny
Minister of Civil Aviation
Arab Republic of Egypt

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